Directory of Australia

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G'Day! Welcome to our Australian Directory service. This directory is derived from the Australian component of the DMOZ directory. The DMOZ Directory project was the largest human edited directory on the planet. The DMOZ directory project is not currently being actively maintained however there is an active archive site. Even though the sites listed in the directory are not being updated, I still believe the archive has utility and many of the listed sites are still active on the net. I believe it is unfortunate that they stopped actively maintaining the project as I think it was an excellent world wide directory of websites.

Top : Queensland : Education : Vocational and Technical
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  • Alan Bartlett Consulting - Specialises in training delivery in process manufacturing industries and laboratory operations; includes details of staff, services, news and contacts. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Australian College of Tropical Agriculture - Agricultural and pastoral college providing training which focuses on the needs of tropical farmers and graziers. Campuses at Ayr and Mareeba. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Axiom College - Offering full and part-time study options to local and international students. Government funded traineeships and short courses are also provided. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Barrier Reef Institute of TAFE - Offers courses related to career and vocational education and training in many business and industry areas. Campuses located at Bowen, Burdekin, Cannonvale, Charters Towers, Ingham, Palm Island, Pimlico and Townsville City. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Brisbane North Institute of TAFE - A Registered Training Organisation within the TAFE Queensland network; this public provider offers a plethora of face-to-face, online and blended programs across multiple sectors. Corporate training is also provided. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Cardiac Electrophysiology Institute of Australasia - Independent organisation dedicated to the education and training of medical professionals in cardiac electrophysiology; includes details of training, courses, registration and contacts. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Dymond Institute of Business - A government-accredited Registered Training Organisation licensed to deliver Certificate IV in Marketing, Diploma of Marketing and the Diploma of Business nationally recognised qualifications. Supports: online, correspondence, workplace training and RPL. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • EIP Group - Situated on the Gold Coast of Queensland, offers full-time and part-time courses in Conversational English as well as the Certificate IV in TESOL. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • ERTS - A Brisbane-based company providing first aid, emergency response, and low voltage rescue training across Australia. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Intraining Systems - A workplace training organisation which provides nationally recognised training in the food safety and machinery operation sectors. Located in Queensland, Australia. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • National Trades Institute - Specialising in trades, NTI is a technical college located at Kangaroo Point, Brisbane, Australia. Delivers Certificate II and III courses in air-conditioning and refrigeration. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Seed Skills Pty Ltd - Located in Queensland, Australia, this Registered Training Organisation is scoped to deliver Certificate IV and Diploma level management-orientated qualifications. Non-accredited courses are also offered. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Sharp Training - Mining industry skills centre with premises in Mackay and Moranbah; includes company profile, details of courses and tutors, pricing, course calendar, and contacts. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Skilling Solutions Queensland - A training and career information service developed by the Queensland Government; SSQ�s function is to help individuals gain the qualifications they need to succeed in today's competitive job market. Provides a strong impetus on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE - SQIT features course information and campus details. Delivers online and has campuses in Toowoomba, Charleville, Chinchilla, Dalby, Kingaroy, Cherbourg, Roma, Stanthorpe, and Warwick. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Study Solutions Australia - Gold Coast provider of courses in child care and MYOB. This organisation accommodates domestic and international students, with face-to-face and distance modes of delivery. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • TAFE Open Learning - A strategic business unit of the TAFE Queensland network. Focuses on delivering online and distance accredited and non-accredited courses across a plethora of study areas. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • TAFE Queensland - Information, courses available and list of TAFE institutions in the State. Also caters for international clients and those in the corporate sector. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • The Beauty Therapy Centre - Nationally and internationally recognised courses in beauty therapy, aromatherapy and associated industries. Correspondence courses are available. Campuses in Brisbane, Townsville and the Whitsundays. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )
  • Training Queensland - Portal for state information on vocational education and training for individuals, schools, community and training organisations, new apprenticeships centres, and industry. (Added: 15-Aug-2012 Hits: )


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Koala, Australia Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Queensland, QLD, Australia Gold Coast, Queensland, QLD, Australia